The Lutheran Orthodox Church, inc
A Lutheran Church in Apostolic Succession
The Lutheran Orthodox Church 2012 Census
The Preliminary 2012 Census is being tabulated based on 2011 figures.
Not all census forms have been submitted from every congregation and ministry. These figures will be updated upon receipt of forms.
As of March 1, 2012, based upon completed census forms:
Congregations: 117 (not all submitted as of 3/1)
Ministries other than congregations: 50
Ordained Clergy: 215
Total Lay Persons served on weekly basis: 14,048
Total Sermons Delivered by LOC Clergy 18,525
Avg Communion Weekly 9064
Total Pastoral Visits by LOC Clergy 11,858
Weddings Performed 240
Funerals 202
Baptisms: 130
Exorcisms Investigated 16
Exorcisms Performed: 3
Podcast Hits, All Sites 62,000+
Newspaper Columns Weekly Circulation 4800
Radio Station Broadcast Footprint
(6 stations nationwide, Total Pop in
Listening area) 4,100,000
Internet Radio Listeners 50,000+
Non Ordained Volunteers 58
Bible Studies Conducted 2011 1718
Last Rites Performed 664
LOC Fraternal Organizations: 5
Certified Hospital/Nursing Home Chaplains 7+ (not complete)
Countries with LOC presence: 8+
Orphanages: 1
Congregation Applications Pending 20