The Lutheran Orthodox Church, inc
A Lutheran Church in Apostolic Succession
Amazing Grace
In Memorium
Dedicated to those of the Lutheran Orthodox Church who have finished their earthly course and are now resting in the arms of The Lord, whom they served so faithfully in this life.
May He say to you "Well Done My Good and Faithful Servant. Well Done".
As we in the Lutheran Orthodox Church also say
"Well Done, Rest Well. Until we meet again"

Bishop Kenneth Cates;
Diocese of Texas, Missionary to Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Overseer of African Missions. Director of Cates Family Ministries.
May 17, 2018

Bishop Louis Marcel Pierre, LOC, Haiti
Feb, 2018

The Reverend Jospeph Jevitt, Allentown Pa Diocese.
May 8th, 2019

The Reverend Jonita Godley Ramos, Aug 2013

The Reverend Randy G.Wagoner, Bishop Washington DC,
Executive VP of The Lutheran Orthodox Church, inc.
April 2014

Sharon Guido-Kubiak, DD
First Signer of the LOC Charter
Jan 20, 2016

The Reverend Beatrice Peters
Pastor, Diocese of Liberia
Killed in car accident while serving The Lord
Sept 3rd, 2015
Deacon Dennis Deiter
Diocese of Allentown
Deacon George Pry
Jan 20, 2016
Diocese of Allentown.

Reverend Richard Dion.
United States Army
Ordained Pastor, LOC
Resting in the arms of The Lord
May 5th 2017

Adam T. Delvalle Nov 12, 1985-4/29/2020
Adam DelValle
Nov 12, 1985-April 29, 2020
May The Lord wrap you in His loving arms
Diocese of New England.
Adam DelValle
Nov 12, 1985-April 29, 2020
May The Lord wrap you in His loving arms
Diocese of New England.

Ronald J Bolza
Ronald J Bolza
May 25, 2022
LOC Chief of Security
Signer of original LOC Charter
Ronald J Bolza
May 25, 2022
LOC Chief of Security
Signer of original LOC Charter

The Reverend George Matekwa
LOC Diocese of East Kenya
The Reverend George Matekwa
LOC Diocese of East Kenya
May 28 2022